What should you do if your lawn is always dry?

A dry lawn is a cause for alarm for any homeowner. It betrays neglect and lack of attention to your greens. This may not be the case if your irrigation system is either faulty or rain fed. Harsh weather conditions are the usual culprits. That lack of water is the usual culprit is a no brainer. However; several other factors may contribute to this drying. These may include fertilizers burning; animal excretes like dog urine and inadequate watering.


Before embarking on a non-stop watering mission, it is vital to verify the specific cause of the dry lawn. While distinct climatic conditions may warrant an alternate irrigation plan, other purposes may need other remedies.

Scorching from a nitrogen-rich fertilizer overdose, for instance, requires a different approach. Perhaps, taking of samples and expert prescription of neutralizing the effect would save your lawn. Lack of water or a dry lawn can be elucidated from taking soil samples and analyzing moisture content.

A quick feel or physical examination of the soil can give hints to the moisture content of your land. If you have a home sprinkler system using a rain gauge can be more accurate in providing the amount of water your lawn is receiving.

Once settled on the cause of dry lawn, employing corrective measures is a given. If watering is the problem, there are several measures you can take. Depending on the size of your lawn, you can select the irrigation solution. Small gardens can be watered easily with watering cans.

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Alternatively, medium sized ones can utilize a horse or sprinkler system. Given the sensitivity of grass, a timed horse can come in handy. Sprinkler system is less labor intensive and is more efficient, especially given you need around a centimeter of water in your lawn. Investing in a drip system can reap many dividends granted the consistency of water delivery to your plants and even making your newly sown grass grow faster and consistently.

Selecting the perfect time to water your grass is also important. There is a nexus between watering time and the growth of your grass. Watering your lawn late evening often results to wet soils that bring about rotting of plant roots due to low temperatures.

On the other hand, when you water at noon, sun scorching of your grass is inevitable. Landscapers contend that the ideal time for watering your lawn is early morning or evening when your grass can fully absorb moisture and naturally dry before the changes in temperature associated with noon (peak) and nighttime (low).

While it may sound counter-intuitive, watering daily lightly often hampers proper root development due to consistent watering. Properly spread out flooding through the week mean your grass develops deep roots enough to withstand the water stress during prolonged dry periods like summer.

You can also take the drastic measure of planting a grass variety that is compatible with the weather patterns of your area. This translates to minimal interference by the elements and constant green.

Investing in adequate fertilizers, especially liquid phosphate fertilizers, improves soil wetness, root penetration, and development. If your lawn is drying due to lack of roots accessing capillary water, invest in liquid than the solid fertilizers which may scorch your green.

Dethatching removes the dead rhizome layers of plants killed between your grass and the soil. Attachment of the roots to this layer not only results in an uneven lawn but leads to drying up of grass during the water stress period. Investing in a power rake or manually raking can come in handy.

These are some of the measures you can take to ensure that your lawn maintains its integrity all year round. If you find investing in an irrigation system is costly, perhaps changing the grass variety in your yard may be the ultimate solution.