Planting Flowers in Pots for Beginners

The first thing you would want to do is pick a plant pot. While picking one, make sure it has some drainage holes. So that water can have somewhere to go when you plant. Hence, they will live.

To help with the water filtration, you will need crockery. You can use broken terracotta pieces which have a little texture.

Therefore, start by putting a few pieces of marbles or pebbles at the bottom. Then some soil with compost and add a few more pieces to it.

Using a high-quality potting mix also improves drainage. Moreover, it gives you about an inch or two of extra growing space.

 Potting mixes and potting soil contain a lot of porous medium. Which comes in handy with improving drainage.

This will help with the drainage of water. From when you water the plants. Once you have filled the pot to about three-quarters with soil. It is time to think about what type of flowers you want.

A simple rule would be to put the taller plants at the back. Then follow up the rest in descending order.

Try to pose them first at different places to see how they would look. Or if you will need more compost.

Ensure to water your pot mix and soil before putting in the flower. To make sure it drains well as well as completely.

The watering is going to remove all the air pockets in the container. If the soil level goes down, add a little more. And then water again.

Ensure not to have half of the plant inside the pot. Such that it’s visible. It should be at the same level as the plant pot.

Before taking the flowers from their original pot. Put in some water to soften the soil a little bit. This will make it easier for you to remove the plant.

While taking the flowers out of the original pot.  Tip it upside down, so you are ready to catch it when it falls.

 Just squeeze the pot lightly while avoiding pulling on the stem. Since they easily break, which could ruin the flower.

Then make a hole in your new pot. Then put the flower in. it’s always nice to pick similar tones. Or two tones that are similar to a different one. Even different shades of the same color could be appealing.

Once you have planted them, check on them regularly. While feeding them with water. The best way to do it is to pour the water directly into the soil. 

Not so much on the actual flowers. The plant absorbs water better through the roots.

Most whiskey barrel containers do not come with drilled holes in them. To create holes, use a drill with a half-inch or 1-inch drill bit.

 The holes should be fairly equally distant from each other. This will ensure that water drains out from all the areas of the container.

The plastic terracotta usually comes with holes already pre-drilled. If you use pots from the previous season, ensure the pots are washed thoroughly. This will help with killing the bacteria.

Some people recommend using bleach. However, even though they kill the bad bacteria, they also kill the good beneficial bacteria. Jet spraying it with a hose will leave the container clean.

Using some kind of elevation for your containers makes drainage easier. Moreover, the elevation keeps the bottom of the container clean and free from insects.

Remember to thaw your container soil away at the end of the season. Use new soil, especially for deep-rooted plants.

Containers dry out faster than the soil in the ground. So a drip or regular watering would come in handy. This exercise will ensure your container has a constant level of moisture.

Also, remember that the wider the container you use, the more water you need. When choosing a container, consider its material, size, and drainage.

Normally the pots or containers are made up of different materials. From clay, stone, or concrete, or porous.

While glazed ceramics, plastics, metals, and glass are non-porous. Porous means having minute holes through which liquid or air may pass through. For instance, clay pots allow air to pass through the sides to reach the soil.

Clay pots are an excellent choice for beginners. However, if you choose wood containers, use a liner. Because over time, it’s going to deteriorate.

Keep the metal and stone containers away from heat sources or direct sunlight. The reason is, that these two materials have a tendency to absorb a lot more heat. 

Hence cook the soil as well as the roots. This can be fixed by adding a buffer like plastic.

When considering the size of the pot. Keep in mind that the larger the pot, the longer it will take to dry.

What is repotting? It is simply placing your plant into a new container or soil. It could be because you want to size up. Or maybe you found a nicer container. The main reason for sizing up could be because the plant became pot-bound.

This is having roots formed into a dense, tangled mass that encircles the inside of a container. Thus, allowing no space for further growth.

Look out for signs like abnormal fast drying of the soil. Even after a good soak. This means there are more roots than soil in the container.

Another sign to look out for is a slower growth rate than usual. Yes, having plants will require intimacy. Talking to them with love as well as absorbing their growth keenly.

So, if there is a slower growth rate even though the other conditions remain the same. Hence there is a pot bound.

Some visual sounds include roots coming out through the drainage hole. As well as the plant pushing itself up and out of the pot.

One reason to change the soil is while switch up its composition. To something better. Or if there is a pest infestation.

The best time to report is when there is abundant light and high temperatures. As well as humidity.

To start a flower garden, figure out the exact location you would desire it to be. Base your flower choices on the amount of sunlight that will hit this spot. Having a journal to write all your flower ideas will help organize.

Have a rough idea of what you would like to plant. As well as what flowers will thrive best in that area. If you have never gardened before, you will need gardening gloves. Gardening tools, knee pad, and a soil tiller.

An important tip in starting a flower garden is knowing your soil. You could do this by doing soil tests.

When choosing a color scheme. Pick one that will help unify the landscape. Using variations as well as different tones of the same color can make an impact without dominating. 

While this might create a feeling of harmony. Complimentary colors, which are opposites on the color wheel, create excitement.

Keep in mind that too much variety can feel tiring. Therefore, separate areas with intense color with the neutrals. Use colors you enjoy.

The shape of the flowers counts when designing a garden. Try putting different shapes together to see if they spark off each other.

 Some combinations will be vibrant and dynamic. While others may clash. On the other hand, planting similar flower shapes together can reinforce an idea.

Always design with repetition of key shapes or colors. Because it provides a sense of calm and visual unity. The plants you choose to repeat should have a long season. 

As well as not look untidy after flowering and thrive in the garden’s conditions. This offers continuity when moving from one area of the garden to another.

Rather than simply arranging the layers like stairs when planting, try pulling one layer subtly into another and vice versa.

This will enhance the creation of a more natural look. Ensure sight lines remain to see flowers at the rear of a border.

Rather than individual species, think about plant combinations that will keep engaging the garden in all seasons. Therefore, mixing plant heights, sizes, colors, scales and textures would be a good idea.

Take advantage of breeze patterns to allow the scents of flowers to waft toward your home and patio areas. Fragrance and movement are important aspects to consider while starting a garden.

To reduce weeds and increase the number of flowers you produce. While encouraging longer stems at the same time. Plant the flowers close together. In addition, mulching helps with keeping the weeds off.

In case you are growing the flowers for cutting. Perhaps to put them in a bowl. Or gift a friend as well as selling them. Don’t forget to grow foliage and filler plants for arrangements.

Keep the path between flowers wide. This will encourage them to spill over in a natural way. Plant shrubs at the center of your flower garden to provide year-round structure and height.

In conclusion, planting many perennials and flower seeds in Fall gives them a head start. So that by spring, the seeds are sprouting and germinating.

This cooler weather creates a less stressful environment for roots to start growing. Which will lead to healthier plants. Hence a beautiful vibrant garden.