How to Get Rid of Deer Poop in Your Yard

Even the welcoming homeowner will find the lawn nearly impassable. If deer spend too much time in the yard. They will devastate it.

They like to bed down in areas with lots of trees and hills. As well as a yard full of debris and clutter. Especially tall grass with fallen fruits.

The deer usually come in to feed in the yard all year round. They cause havoc, especially when they are pregnant. They like to eat anything green. To almost nothing.

During the rainy season, their natural foliage grows fast. But the deer loses its taste very quickly. Because it is coarse and more fibrous.

This is why they come into your perennial and hydrangeas yard. It’s like a salad bar to them.

You can keep them off your yard by planting oak trees. They produce acorns which are a huge staple diet for deer. It contains calories and carbohydrates.

The acorns will give them an extra boost and supplemental food. These will reduce the amount of deer browsing. It will keep them in the woods more. Because they would rather eat acorns than your plants.

Another option would be to fence your whole yard. All you need is a T post and fishing wire. Depending on the size of your yard.

The fishing wire is usually not visible to the deer at night. Therefore when it touches any part of their body. It will scare them off. This method is very effective if you have the fence at the right height.

Apart from the fishing wire, you can also use wire mesh. Or the chain link fence. Just wrap it around the trees a few feet away.

This way, you are creating a barrier. The deer can’t get in and eat the bark of the tree. Which might never grow back.

You can also sink a post. Put a crossbar at the top. Then drape bird netting over the trees.

Another type of fence you can use is the wooden chain fence. It has to be high enough that the deer can’t see over it. This will prevent the deer from jumping over.

If you already have a fence and the deer are still getting through. Consider upgrading the fence. Ideally, it should be at least 8 feet high. Without spaces in between for them to see through.

In case you have trees in your yard. Hang Irish spring soap. Or any type of soap specifically designed to deter the deer. With their smell. 

If not, the soap. Opt for the repellent pouches. They are effective, all-natural, and long-lasting. Their scent will deter the deer from eating your plants. Or snooping through the area.

Ever heard of predator-eye solar lights? These are lights that flash red at night. When set in the right direction as well as the recommended height. It will scare off the deer.

Other than the solar lights, you can put up motion-activated sprinklers. The sudden mist of water will scare them away. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about checking your yard.

You can also put plants that deer don’t like. For example, the raspberries. Which they avoid because of their prickly stickers.

They also don’t like garlic or any aromatic herbs. The spiky varieties and daffodils as well. These plants will cause them to walk in a different direction. 

They don’t like anything that will tickle their throat. Therefore, strategically plant them around the yard.

Did you know that deer are afraid of dogs? With just one bark. They are usually scared out of the yard. Moreover, their scent lingering around the yard will keep the deer away.

Not to forget to spray your plants. The issue with this is that deer get used to the product easily. Therefore, you need to switch around the spray. If you want to throw off the deer.

An example of the spray is soybean oil. It usually has a sticking component that causes a rotten egg smell. Which the deer don’t like.

Sometimes the barrier to the deer can be something from the inside. For example, a scarecrow. If they notice that ‘ someone is outside. They will be too skittish to approach.

Even bricks and pavers will scare them off. Their instinct will tell them it’s not a safe place to land.

Anything that will make it difficult to access your yard. Will put off the deer. Even terraces or uneven ground level.

Because of their skittish nature. Adding wind chimes or even the static from a radio. It can be enough to scare them away. To them, those are alarming sounds. 

The deer droppings can be used as fertilizer. However, this depends on the nutrient contents of the deer’s food. 

The droppings look pellet or pill-shaped. Which almost looks like rabbit droppings. Only that they are slightly elongated and less round.

Some of the advantages of deer droppings. Especially those that consume nothing but grass, plants, and vegetables. Have high nitrogen that gives additional nutrients to the waste.

However, if the deer have mostly fed on dried foliage. Which have little nutrients. So will the waste. It will be of low nutrients.

But this low nitrogen waste can still act as a fertilizer. As well as help with the growth of new grass. While keeping them green.

Since the deer do not discriminate where they drop their waste. Many lawns suffer from too many droppings in one area.

When the solids and liquids accumulate. It can lead to dead patches on the lawn. Or scorched grass similar to fertilizer burn. Or damages from pet waste.

This is because the droppings prevent moisture and sunlight from reaching the grass. This can lead to stunted growth or no growth altogether.

If you choose to leave the deer droppings on your lawn. Use a rake to spread them out. 

Don’t forget to wear your protective gloves. You should never touch deer droppings. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching any part of your body.

The area where you spread the droppings. Should be isolated from children who may accidentally eat them. As well as where edible crops are grown. 

Any tools used on deer droppings should be washed thoroughly. Before being used for other purposes.

This is because deer droppings can sometimes carry diseases. For example, E Coli. 

Therefore, never use deer droppings as fertilizer for food. Such as fruits and vegetables. It could be poisonous.

Flowers such as roses, daylilies, and hostas. They are beautiful flowers but also the ones that the deer will go to any lengths to get them.

So if you don’t have dogs, repellents, and fences, keep deer away. They are not worth the trouble. 

Another preventive measure would be to take your bird feeders down. The fallen seed is tempting to deers. 

However, the birds don’t have to suffer. So make sure the bird feeders are out of deer reach.

Remember, anything unfamiliar will throw the deer off. Making them too nervous to come any closer.

Although you might be the person that will pull off the road to watch a group of deer. The last thing you want is for them to make a pit in your yard.