How much grass seed per square foot

Getting the perfect lawn is not an easy task, especially if you want to plant it by yourself. There is a lot that goes into figuring out how much grass seed you should plant depending on the soil and other external factors. Not preparing adequately by getting enough details of everything you need could lead you to spend a lot more than you intended to fix the turf. This article gives you a detailed entry in everything you will need and how o plant so you get the lawn of your dreams.

How to Plant Grass Seed Successfully

Before you calculate how much grass seed you need for your lawn and the exact type that will give you the results you desire, there are a few things you should know. The following are some of the essential points that will ensure that your planting process is seamless:

Best Planting Season

It would be wasteful to plant your grass seed in the wrong season since nothing will grow, and you’ll have to redo everything. This is why it is essential to find out the best times to plant the seed depending on your region since it is not the same countrywide.

Different regions have different times for optimal growing of grass seed, and you need to factor this in your process. For example, areas in the northern part mostly have cool grasses, which means that they thrive best when the temperatures are low. These grasses include tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass, both of which thrive in spring and fall.

If you are in the southern parts of the US, then you are likely dealing with warm-season grass. Just as the name suggests, these should be planted when the temperatures are higher. Bahiagrass and Bermuda grass are some of the most common in these regions. They thrive when it is a bit warm such as in spring and the beginning of summer.

Preparing the Planting Ground and Soil

Where you plant the grass will determine whether it will thrive, which is why you need to pay attention to it. You should prepare the area well by clearing it and grading so that even after the grass seed grows, mowing will be more comfortable for you.

The task may be more if you are replacing your lawn. You need to do a thorough cleaning so that there is no old turf that may affect the new one. Also, ensure that there is no old grass seed that may affect the quality of the new lawn that you are planting.

Preparing the soil should involve you taking time to get the pH so that you can correct it if need be. For example, most grasses thrive in slightly acidic soil so get a pH of not higher than 7.5 and not lower than 6.0. If you get a reading that doesn’t match with this, you should change it. Ensure that you also check the structure of the soil so that it can support the growth of the grass.

Choose proper lawn fertilizer often enough to add some nutrients that will not only help in the germination of the grass seed but also ensuring that your lawn thrives without combined intervention.

How Much Grass Seed is Needed for Your Lawn?

Once you have chosen the best grass seed to plant, the next big thing is to calculate how much you will need per square foot. The importance of this is so that you don’t over or under seed that may lead to either an uneven lawn or an overgrown one.

To find out how much grass seed you need, you have to measure the length and width of the lawn. Measure at least twice to confirm that you have the correct figures. Multiply the width by the length to get the area.

The average grass seed needed for a meter square is between 25g and 30g, which gives you approximately 3g per square foot. If you are overseeding to cover up some patches, you will need about 2g of grass seed per square foot.

However, you can use too much seed, especially if you have pets and children that may go on the lawn before it grows. This ensures that if some seeds don’t grow, you will still have enough for a full yard without patches.

If you buy a 50-pound bag of grass seed, this should cover at least 755 square meters or over 7500 square feet of the ground. It is best to use a grass seed broadcaster when planting since it gives an even spread. However, take into account the recommended quantity that is usually indicated on the package.  This is because some higher quality grass seed may require more or less of it and you need to adjust accordingly.

Remember that buying viable grass seeds is the most critical thing, so ensure you get them from reliable sellers. Water the seedlings often by following the rule that the top one inch of soil should always be wet. However, do not overwater and drown the seeds, which may affect germination.