How do i get rid of rust in my lawn

We all love to have a lawn that makes us look like we are competing with the joneses. But every once in a while, some unforeseeable lawn issue comes along and messes up your perfectly manicured lawn. One of the worst lawn issues being lawn rust. Keep reading to learn how to get rid of rust in your lawn.

So what does it mean then the grass on your lawn is a rusty color?

What Causes Rust In Your Lawn?

The rust-like appearance is caused by a fungal disease that causes grass to appear like it has orange dust on the grass blades. The condition is prevalent during the late summer months. It mostly causes grass growth to slow down during hot and dry weather periods. This is because the grass is low on nitrogen, and the soil pH is imbalanced.

Check this too: How To Tell If Your Lawn Needs Lime

Is Lawn Rust Harmful To Pets Or Humans?

No. the fungal spores are only harmful to weak plants and grass that is not adequately nourished. If you fertilized your yard just before summer of during earlier summer months, then chances are your lawn will not get rust.

Will Lawn Rust Go Away On Its Own?

It depends on the level of infection. In some cases, the rust fungus on grass may resolve itself on its own. But in other cases, you may have to use fungicides and or fertilizer to get rid of the lawn rust. Healthier grass is more resistant lawn rust, and fertilizer helps to nourish the grass – as long as you don’t over-fertilize.

It is important to note that the rust primarily affects Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue grass. You can also prevent lawn rust by fertilizing your grass just before summer or during the morning hours of summer to nourish the grass. Use a nitrogen-based fertilizer and water your lawn regularly for an extended time.

It would be best if you only used fungicides on the infected grass. Rust goes dormant during winter and reappears when it gets hotter. So make sure you eliminate it before winter. Do not overwater the lawn to prevent creating a moist fungal breeding ground. Trim your grass to enable it to aerate and not harbor fungi growth.